Durrell’s Strategy 

In 2017 Durrell reworked its conservation strategy and called it ‘ReWild Our World’.  It remains faithful to the mission of Gerald Durrell – to save species from extinction – but under the banner of “rewilding” the true scope of the mission is revealed. It is not only to save species, but to restore ecosystems in the sense of rebuilding their functionality, that is, reconnecting broken ecological links and making them work again.

An equally vital part of the strategy involves restoring the emotional connection between people and nature, the connection that has been so weakened in today’s world.  It is this link that Gerald wrote about in his engaging books and which is at the heart of the special zoo he started more than 60 years ago. This link will help drive the changes needed to protect and restore the natural world.

Durrell expects to have made good progress on ‘ReWild Our World’ by 2025, a significant year, as Gerald Durrell would have been one hundred years old.  The goals for 2025 are:

  • 10 ecosystems across the world’s major biomes being rewilded

  • 100 threatened species on the road to recovery

  • 500 endangered species projects working more effectively

  • 1,000,000 people better connected with nature

American Friends of Durrell is already helping to ‘ReWild Our World’ through its many programs and projects.